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Reply To: The power of visual impact. A co-working photo-studio to create real change

Forums SEEDplus Innovation Competition The power of visual impact. A co-working photo-studio to create real change Reply To: The power of visual impact. A co-working photo-studio to create real change

Oleh LysakOleh Lysak

What would you think about adding some kind of competition to such a startup? Like not only proposing a studio, but also a way to test how people can work together in this way?

As you mentioned, climate change is a very close topic to renewable energy.

And recently there was such a competition in the USA: the Make A Splash Photo and Video Contest, which is administered by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), accepts photos and videos of water power technologies, research and development activities, and infrastructure. The contest also seeks to capture the landscapes, people, and communities rooted in water power. A total prize pool of $31,500 will be distributed over six photo categories and three video categories. The contest encourages amateur and professional photographers to take a closer look at all that water power has to offer, and to help make water power more visible as a source of renewable energy.